martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Art, Graffiti

I'm not a fan of pictures, I not follow any artist, but I can recognice a art when I see this, for me, the popular art is fantastic, the street, art in the town, on the walls, the village, not tags, not stripes, no vandalism.
The graffiti is a urban art expression, part of Hip-Hop culture, like MCs, DJs and Breakedancers, some people associated the Hip-Hop to gangs and crime...maybe some rappers make a gangs to organized encounters, to paint a wall, to make a beat, to dance, or all previous.
My Favorite graffiti is "La enmascarada de Departamental" by Charquipunk+Larobotdemadera, ubicated in Departamental Avenue with Panamericana, San Miguel.
I like it becouse have a full of colour, so much details, is a beautifull street art expression, is really big, this graffiti was expensive, but already is free art to all,the graffiti maker no wants money for the art, "La enmascarada de Departamental" is a potent expression about young and ald people who involved his lives to express free art. The first time when I see the graffiti, I saw the big eyes, and the indigines draws down the wall.
I like the urban art, the graffiti is the most popular expression on the neighborhood.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

El Tabo Beach

Almost every year I go to El Tabo with my friends, are the best vacation I ever had, party every day, and the most beautiful is to be repeated every year, national holidays and long weekends, party all the time and every day.

The Tabo has lots of nature, is a natural haven, "Quebrada de Cordova" is very cute, has a river, ponds, and fish, many trees, and birds, I always go with my friends to take a shower and have a good time swimming in the lagoon "Coipo Great".
To lower the lagoon should go with good shoes and a stick to afirmarce, because it is dangerous to go down.

The beach is white sand to the south and north sand and rock, has high waves, in summer there are many marks team, and sell their products or give them away.
The Tabo has many restaurants and markets, lately has become known by the parties "Cartabo" that makes the University of Chile for newly admitted.

I have a house in the tabo, in the hills, down to town leaves me exhausted, so when I go, I buy everything we need to live, but the people did not go down, so I can relax and party with my friends every day with no reason

The Croods

The other day I went with my girlfriend to see a movie at the cinema, we choose The Croods, a movie for all the family, especially for children, we thought it was good, we dared to see, not mistaken, is a very good movie , is a family, the Croods, which are cavemen, and afraid of everything, go hunting every day but with little luck to the family, the eldest daughter had an adventurous spirit, so leave the cave at night and meets a young man who teaches the use of fire, then the Croods accompany this young man looking a safer place to live, because the world was separating and forming the continents, for that must go through many dangerous situations, learn to trapping, to use fire to cook, and the parent, despite hating the young stranger, so it comes to accept intelligent.

Caveman Dad hates his mother in law and only hopes that this die, the family has a baby, is very fast and used for hunting (yes, the baby), it is the brother who is a fool and slow, and the mom, the protagonists are young men, the eldest daughter and father.

I do not remember the names of the characters because it was long time and not tell you the end, to go see it, good movie, very entertaining and good visual effects