martes, 16 de julio de 2013

A restaurant where you eat

I'm not very good for restaurants, but I have been to many over my life, I ate the best food has been in the Hostal Del Rio in Caleta Tortel, In Region de Aysen, ate salmon, lamb, seafood, chicken, soups, salads, and all the food that this region ofrese, all fresh, but expensive
To get there from Santiago, should take a plane in the direction of Balmaceda, then take a bus to Coyhaique in Coyhaique, take a bus to Cochrane and then take a bus to Caleta Tortel
Another restaurant I remember is one of Chinese food, I forget his name, but their food was very tasty and exotic, it was nothing of the ordinary, I went with my girlfriend, the restorant is in La Florida, can not remember his address, but if I know how to get there ... we had chicken with pineapple, and pork pequinez, both very rich, and inexpensive.
This is funny, but where I have eaten more and I will continue eating is in the Kentuchy Fried Chicken, do not know why, but I like the fried chicken, and if I have hunger and money (not common) way to eat fried chicken in the Kentuchy Fried Chicken

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